You’ve gotten to the point in the winter season where you’re just fed up. You’ve realized that you need to replace your heater and you’re ready to do so now. We’re the Raleigh heating contractor that can help you perform this work. We understand how important it is to find the right heater for your home.
We’re going to help you find the perfect new unit for your home. We’re different because we make sure to run the right calculations even for a replacement job. Calculations aren’t just for installation work. Your home’s heating needs change overtime. We want to factor this in too.
How Long Does It Take?
We’re not going to make you ask us again—the average replacement time takes about 4-10 hours. Our team members can do this in about a day depending on our capacity.
This is why it’s so important to find the right team to perform this work. You can trust our professionals because we’ve got two decades of experience as a team. We don’t just want to sell you products, we want to make sure that you have the highest quality heating service too. We work to make your comfort our business.
Do You Need a New Heater?
Are you wondering if you even need a new heater? Here are some signs that you should invest in a new heater:
You’ve Had Your Heater for 10+ Years: Most heaters last about 10-15 years. Once your home’s heater gets to the point where it’s been in your home for about a decade, you’re going to need to think about getting a new heater. This is a factor that you need to think about even if you like the quality of your heater now.
You’re Spending A Lot of Money: You shouldn’t ever spend too much on your home heating services. If you ever feel like you’re pouring money into your heater to no avail. Then it’s definitely time for you to upgrade.
This point is only made stronger if you notice that you’re repairing your home’s heater often. You shouldn’t have to repair your home’s heater more than once every couple of years. Your home’s heating should always be affordable.
You’re Never Warm Enough: Are you always tampering with your heater in an effort to get warm? This isn’t something you should have to do. Your heater should be perfectly fit to your home’s need. A struggle to get warm indicates an issue with your efficiency. If this issue is ongoing, then you need to schedule an appointment for replacement work.
You’re Noticing Some New Behaviors: Do you hear some odd smells or notice some weird sounds? Your heater isn’t something that should pick up some new behaviors. Your heater is a piece of equipment that should have pretty standard operation throughout its entire lifespan. New behaviors are symptoms of larger issues coming down the pipeline.
These are all signs that you’re going to need to upgrade your heater. Don’t wait on this work. Procrastination only makes the problems worse.